International Shoe Size Conversion Chart

A pair of shoes that truly love you will be gentle with your foot, fitting comfortably without rubbing your skin or squashing your toes. We strive to stock shoes of only the highest quality; shoes that will we feel will complement your foot as well as your style. Below, you’ll find sizing and fitting guides to help you shop for shoes you’ll adore.

Please note that we list all shoe sizes in United Kingdom sizes. Please order the UK size equivalent that you want.

5  3635222.58 5/821.9
5.5 3.55 1/22238 3/422.2
6  3746233.5922.9
6.5 4.56 1/22349 1/823.2
7  3857244.59 1/423.5
7.5 5.57 1/22459 1/224.1
83968255.59 5/824.4
8.5 6.58 1/22569 3/424.8
9  4079266.51025.4
9.5 7.59 1/226710 1/825.7
10 41810277.510 1/426
10.5 8.510 1/227810 1/226.7
11 42911298.510 5/827
12439.51229 1/291127.9

These sizes are not guaranteed as every manufacturer will occasionally list a different conversion on their shoes. We cannot account for every shoe being different, but we are happy to offer this chart as a general guideline. We do not guarantee its accuracy. It is simply the best of our knowledge. Pastel-Dreams cannot offer return shipping in any case for international size problems  –  we do however always guarantee that we provide you with the UK size which you have ordered. Thank you for understanding.

  1. Let’s face it, different shoe brands fit differently. If it’s a brand you know, stick with the size you’ve always worn. But, if the brand is new to you, here’s an easy way to find your size:
  2. All you need is a ruler, a pen and a piece of paper.
  3. Place the paper on the ground and stand on it with your weight slightly forward to make sure your foot is flat.
  4. Draw a line behind your heel and another line in front of your longest toe. Don’t worry; it’s common to have one foot longer than the other, so use the longer foot to measure.
  5. Measure the distance between lines in inches.
  6. Find your measurement on the size chart above to figure out the best fit. Round up if your size falls in between.

 Feel free to message us anytime if you have concerns regarding the sizing at